Having a pleasant smile is something that everyone wishes for. However, you need to handle your teeth in a caring manner if you wish to avoid cavities, swollen gums and other tooth related problems. Oral health depends a lot on what you eat. Given below are 5 foods that help you in maintaining the highest standards of oral health.
Fresh Yogurt
There is no doubt that any food item containing high calcium count is beneficial for the teeth. Yogurt has a high count of proteins and Vitamin D that strengthens teeth. As a result, the chances of cavities and other tooth related problems decrease. Yogurt also helps in eliminating bacteria that decorates tooth condition.
Cheese contains high constituents of calcium and proteins as it is developed from milk. Having a regular intake of cheese keeps your teeth strong, stops cavities and prevents tooth erosion.
There is no doubt that fruits help in battling a lot of health hazards. To maintain the highest levels of oral health, a proper intake of apples is highly important. This fruit contains fiber that battles bacteria in the best manner.
It is commonly said that carrots are good for the eyes. This vegetable also benefits the teeth due to the presence of fiber. It equips teeth with proteins and prevents decay. Carrots contain a heavy count of Vitamin A that helps in keeping teeth healthy even during old ages.
Almonds contain a high count of both proteins and calcium. If taken before breakfast or during lunch with salad, you can expect to have healthy teeth for your entire life.
Along with solid edibles, you also need to pay attention to the liquids that your teeth are exposed to. Avoid all forms of soda and fizzy drinks as they cause heavy damage to oral health.

Joey is your friendly neighborhood knowledge seeker. From science to history, he’s on a quest to unravel the mysteries of the universe and share his discoveries with you. Dive into his articles for a dose of curiosity and wonder.